Transition Overview
Dear Parents & Carers,
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you and your child to Harris Academy Clapham.
You may know that in November 2023 we had our first Ofsted inspection. As part of this, our work supporting the personal development of students was graded outstanding. I was very proud of the section of the report which stated, “Pupils speak glowingly about the support offered by teachers and leaders.”
The purpose of our Year 7 transition events and this section of our website is for us to learn as much as possible about your child. This will help us to provide this same support to them as they move into our Academy.
Please use our open events and our transition events as an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. My team will be on hand throughout this process to support you.
We strongly encourage your child to sign up for clubs after school. All students are expected to join at least one club. Students can also use our Library until 4pm to complete homework.
I look forward to meeting you and your child throughout the transition process and at our Year 7 Transition Events.
Ms. Gostling
Have you filled in the New Student Information Form?
The New Student Information Form can be found by using the link below. If you have not already done so, please fill in the form using the link or scan the QR code to go directly to the form. This ensures we have the most up to date information for your child.
Click HERE to access the Student Admission Form or use the QR code.
All of our events information will be uploaded here. Please refer to your welcome pack, which will be sent to you, for dates. And remember, if you have any questions you can email
Please click HERE to see full details of our uniform, including details of our uniform supplier.
School meals
Please click HERE to find out more about school meals at Harris Academy Clapham.
Please click HERE to download our prospectus.
Admissions policy
The Admissions process is managed directly through Lambeth Council. You can find more information on our Admissions page, which also includes a link to our Admissions Policy.
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