The Art curriculum at Harris Academy Clapham is designed to build young people's deep knowledge and skills through exploring artists, designers and craftspeople from a diverse range of periods, cultures and experiences. The curriculum allows students to endeavour to excellence, through sequential building of skills in observation and recording, as well as processes and techniques. The projects we run allow students to work in a variety of media, including drawing and painting skills, mixed media, print-making and clay.
At Harris Academy Clapham, we promote students’ self-belief but also their understanding of the world around them. This is encapsulated in our value ‘Self Belief with a Global View’. We ensure that our students consider the historical, social, political and cultural contexts of artwork and practices. We encourage students to explore their ideas around culture, identity, equality and respect when developing their own personal responses to exploring and creating,
The Art and design curriculum is designed to build from the National Curriculum into more personalised projects building on the strong foundation of knowledge and skills they have acquired, towards more independently led practice as they develop into KS4, through teacher-guided portfolio projects. As skills and their competencies grow, students will be prepared for the exam board’s Externally Set Assignment in the latter half of Year 11 and are well equipped with the skills and knowledge to be successful in the visual arts at Key Stage 5.
Please see below to read our progression map for Art in Year 7-11.
Art and Design Curriculum | Download |